Not only we are specialized in this area, but we count with external advisors who help us to provide the best service at the following matters:
- Data protection: Technological advances enable companies to rapidly analyze millions of data about customers, employees, suppliers, etc. Legislation on protection of personal data existing in Spain recognizes a broad range of rights to citizens and impose not less obligations to companies that collect or use personal data.
- Intellectual and industrial property: Excellence legal advice services in the obtention, protection and defense, as well in the administration and commercial utilization of their brands, invention patents, utility models, industrial designs, copyrights, software, domain names, labeling issues, advertising , promotion and intellectual property rights in general.
- Cyber Crime.
- Informatics law: This area handles conflicts related to the creation and use of informatics applications.
- Web pages law: We advise you on the legal framework applicable to your website and the legal obligations to which is subject, as well as what is the way to properly comply with them.